Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve & Day!

Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Every year we do Christmas Eve with my family and Day with the Thurgoods.  It works out great.  Christmas morning we experienced the first year of having a child that really understands Santa... IT WAS AWESOME!!! 
This is Christmas Eve at the Butchers!
My sister and her fam live in Boise so this is everyone else.  The boys: (really excited about this photo) my boys, Popi, Dustin, Miles, Ty &puppy chipper.

The girls: Nana, me, Kristin & Stacy.  It will be nice to add a baby girl to this photo next year!  We are obviously out numbered!

Ryder was a bit tired plus had a nasty cold (on antibiotics) so was exhausted after opening pjs!

Christmas morning coming down the stairs to see if Santa came!!!  With Ryder being sick and sooo beyond excited about Santa coming we started Christmas REALLY early... like 3:30am!!!  Yikes!Merry Christmas! ha ha

The only thing he ended up asking for was a Big Boy Bike!  Luckily he was pretty good so that is exactly what he got! Too bad its snowing outside, the living room and kitchen just aren't big enough. : )  A little weird to have a kid old enough that understands Santa and wants a legit bike.

After opening presents at home we went to the cabin to have a very winter wonderland Christmas at the cabin taking snowmobiles to get there and all!  Grandma and Grandpa gave Ryder a helmet to go with his new bike and this 4 wheeler to stay at their house to play with!  It kept him busy which was nice!  He also got a leappad2 from them that he will love as soon as either his Mom or Dad set it up!
Christmas night we go to Christians grandparents house.  Ryder was pretty good until he realized he was running a long day on only about 5 hours of sleep when he is used to about 10-12 plus a nap still.  So this photo concludes our Christmas perfectly!  It was hilarious and definitely much needed bedtime.

Santa AGAIN!

Just 1 week before Christmas we were over at Christians parents house for dinner and Santa showed up!  Ryder was again a little nervous then after a few minutes (and a couple presents) he was doing much better and even gave Santa a snuggle on the way out.  Santa is a big Jazz fan (incase you didn't know) and brought Ryder a Jazz jersey, little jazz bear and a bell off of one of his Reindeer!  Ryder was so excited!  Thank you Santa!

And yes, my belly is getting huge!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


We had our ward Christmas Party on Saturday night and Santa was there!  Ryder was so excited to see him until it came to actually sitting on his lap.  So instead this was plan B.  Ryder sat with me while Christian and I snuggled with Santa.  He gave Santa a High Five and Bones and when Santa asked him what he wanted he just said, "1 present."  I'm pretty sure Santa can handle 1 present this year! : )  Ryder was just stoked to get his candy cane!

Ryder's 2nd Birthday & Thanksgiving!

Ryder's 2nd Birthday!  We had a big party at my parents house with all of my family and all of Christians family plus some of our friends.  Ryder had a lot of fun, got plenty of presents, and loves his family!
Ryder with his new tool bench!  He felt so grown up playing with his tools with dad was using his tools to put this together.

Ryder and his birthday cake.  He asked for a Nemo cake so I did the best I could. : )

Easting his yummy cake!!!

Thanksgiving this year was with the Thurgoods and we had it up at the cabin.  It was so much fun!
Snuggling with Aunt Annie watching Frosty the Snowman.
Being silly with Uncle Roo!

Our little family on a Thanksgiving ride!

The gang in our camo for the family pic this year.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Last week we got back from a 7 day cruise on the largest ship of the ocean right now.  It was amazing!  I had never been on a cruise and got totally spoiled.  Thurgoods wanted to do a big family trip for many reasons... Spencer Roo going on his mission this next summer, Carollynne had her 50th birthday, and we will not be able to go on a vacation like this for a bit as we are expecting a baby girl this February.  So things are a bit crazy!  This trip was amazing!  So thank you Randy and Carollynne for spoiling us.  Here are some sweet pics from the trip.  Ryder was such a good boy I couldn't believe it!

Sorry for all the pictures!  I didn't know how to choose some and not the others!

The cruise theme for kids was Dreamworks so a lot of the characters were there from some of Ryders favorite Dreamworks movies.  Here we are with Gloria the Hippo.

Ryder and Grandpa riding the Carousel.  This happened MANY times on the trip.

Here we are at Nassau Bahamas!  That is the resort Atlantis behind us.

Ryder playing in the kids area!  He loved swimming in the kiddie pools.

Who know what he is doing... just being silly I guess! : )

Ryder and daddy from our balcony looking over the Bahamas.  The BEST way to wake up in the morning!

Ryder playing golf (one of the hundreds of times) he played that week!  He was obsessed!

We took some floaties and immediately Ryder wanted to swim by "self" as he called it.  He jumped off the sides, would float on his back and even kick to where he wanted to go and did it all by "self."  It was crazy to see my baby in the pool swimming like a big boy.

More swimming and crazy hair!

Yes there was even a huge theater on the ship where we got to see Hairspray!  It was awesome.  There is the baby bump!

More golf!

CR just finishing the zip line

Ryder and mommy with Alex the Lion!

Here we are as a family of 3.5 on our balcony overlooking St. Thomas. 

The whole gang with our HUGE ship behind us in St. Thomas.

CR surfing it up on the flow rider

Here we are waiting at the outdoor Aqua theater for the coolest dive show I have ever seen.

Me and my baby boy looking over St. Maarten

Ryder and I playing on the beach at St. Maarten.  There is a very good picture of the baby bump!  Wow bigger much quicker with kiddo number 2.

Our family on the beach at St. Maarten

Fancy night

The whole gang after dinner one night.

CR making the boogie boarding look easy... I say that because right after that cute Spencer Roo got on and about broke his nose - blood everywhere and as Ryder would say got a bad "boo boo."  Love you Roo!

Lake Powell

Hello everyone!  So this is extremely late but it's fine!  We had the opportunity of going to Lake Powell awhile back.  It was a lot of fun for the few days we were there. (We can only handle a few days with the crazy man)!  Enjoy!

Riding on the "Runners" with Grandpa

CR getting his Ski on

Ryder and mommy swimming.  He loves the water!

CR catching a bit of air

Ryder driving the boat with Grandpa... and yes, he is not wearing any pants.  We were letting him air out ha ha!  I mean Ryder not Grandpa : )

Once again Ryder with no pants, he loves to be naked!

Ryder's first tube experience with mommy and aunt Annie.

A "Runner" ride as a family.  He loved the rides and never wanted to get off.

Our mostly sweet baby boy... : )