Thursday, July 25, 2013

24th of July & random phone photos

Butlerville Days with Nana & Popi!  Ryder loved the big blow up slides.  He even got Nana to go with him!

All by his big boy self

Go Nana!

Popi wasn't about to go on any slides so he volunteered for baby duty!  Wahoo!

Me & my boy!

watching the fireworks as a fam.  The kiddos loved the night!  Thanks for the company Nana & Popi!

This is how we make it through church . . . "little piggies" on Ryder's fingers and toes!

The Bee's game for my Dad's work!  It was hot but a ton of fun!

Me and crazy man up at the cabin by the river.

Does it get any cuter?! Well I don't think so... ha ha

Such a happy baby!  5 1/2 months old now!

Ryder loves Jayden so much!  Here he had to go lay by her to watch Up.  So dang cute.  He is going to be so protective of her, he already is!

Sun Valley

Girl Photo . . . just missing our Sweet Annie!

Ryder and Grandma eating lunch at the Arts Festival and listening to the live music!  So much fun!

Ryder was obsessed with all the horses!  He kept saying he wanted to ride them ha ha.

Still working on riding the big boy bike.  He can now at least reach the pedals!

Miller Lite??? Who gave my son that golf ball?!!! : )

Ryder and Nikko playing some very productive golf.

He is obsessed with his little sister and wanted to push her on our walks.

Crazy Man jumping in the, (much too cold for mom, Grandma and Jayden) pool! ha ha

Ryder, Grandma & Grandpa hanging outside the Sun Valley Lodge looking at the fish and the big Swan.

Me and my baby girl going swimming (well getting in the warm hot tub)!

The boys hangin in the hot tub!

Our lunch entertainment!  Ryder was mesmerized so was the best he has ever been going out to lunch! 

Jayden and Grandma

The kids were obviously thrilled to have their picture taken . . . NOT!

4th of July and Oakley Rodeo!

4th of July BBQ and swimming with friends.  And yes, if you are looking at this photo confused Melinda and I switched babies.  Although if you went off hair color this seems about right! : )

Ryder swimming with Dad.  He is a crazy man in the pool and has no fear!  As a mother . . . YIKES!

Ryder being silly with Aunt Annie.  He LOVES his Aunt Annie!!!

We were about pulling into our neighborhood with Jayden asleep in her seat when Ryder started crying really sad and said, "I thought we were watching fireworks."  So we decided to drive up to the base of the mountain where we could watch the whole valley's fireworks from the truck bed and keep Jayden asleep in the car (windows down of course)! : )

A happy boy once he starting seeing some fireworks.  I love this crazy man so much its insane.  I never would have thought being parents could be this rewarding.  I guess you don't know the feeling until you experience it.  He is a great kid and so loving.  We are lucky to have him as our son.

Annual Oakley Rodeo!  We had the front row right above the bucking shoots!  It was so AWESOME!  Ryder thought this was the greatest thing ever.  After watching the Bucking Broncs he turned and said it was his turn!  Once again . . . as a mother, YIKES!!!

Our Princess!  Such a happy baby.

Just up against the fence watching the guys get ready to ride the Bulls!

Jayden and Grandpa being silly!

After a big storm the sunsets are always amazing!  Thanks for a fun outing and weekend Randy and CarolLynne!