Monday, April 16, 2012

Dinosaur Museum

We struggled finding something to do this past Saturday when it was raining and Christian didn't have to work.  We ended up doing something really fun with Randy and CarolLynne.  Ryder LOVED it!

At the Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur museum.

Checking out the big dinosaurs with Grandma and Grandpa.

Checking everything out with Grandpa.

Ahh!  Watch out! (This one scared Ryder, he wouldn't be put down in the same room as the Great White)


Easter was a lot of fun!

Ryder got a new Easter outfit, a new movie, some treats, and his first set of golf clubs!!!

Here is Ryder in his Easter outfit pushing the bubble mower at Grandma and Grandpas!

 The week before Easter my sister and her family were in town and we did an Easter Egg hunt for all the kids.  Here is Ryder with the one egg he decided to keep once he found it, all the others he would pick up and just throw!

Christian, Ryder and the Easter Bunny!  Where am I you ask? . . . I will give you one CRAZY idea??!!  All I will say is that the Easter Bunny looks to be a little cozy with them! (Oh, and I am not the one taking the picture)

Easter Sunday

Ryder playing with his new golf clubs.  We quickly found out that they were an outdoor toy only! : ) 

St George

Christian, Ryder and I got to go down to St. George just for fun and unfortunately only for a couple of days.  We met Christians parents there with his brother Roo who was down there Spring Breaking it up with all his friends! It was such nice weather and we wish we could have stayed longer!  Always a good time with Randy & CarolLynne . . . thank you guys!

Our cute boy getting ready for the bike ride.

Getting everything hooked up to the bike and Ryder all strapped in!

Christian pulling Ryder in the parking lot to make sure Ryder is going to be happy.

Finishing our bike ride down Snow Canyon, it was beautiful and a lot of fun!  Ryder LOVED it!

The Big Hair Cut!

Ok everyone, I know I am a bit nuts but who cares. . . it's hair and will always grow back.  Plus I kind of like it this way, it only takes me 5 minutes to do so I am pretty happy about that.  My hair was donated so had to be a minimum of 10 inches, so my sister had to cut it pretty funny to to get as many 10 inch ponytails as we could.

Before . . .

1st cut . . .

After all the ponytails had been cut!

Yes there is an actual after photo but I can't find it.  So just check out the pictures from the more recent posts to see. : )  I promise it didn't stay like it is in this photo ha ha!