Thursday, June 14, 2012

Random Moments

Hello there!  I have been so awful at keeping this up to date!  Things have been crazy lately but wanted to make sure I make up for lost time.  Here are some of our random moments of the past couple months!

Ryder Loves outside and has spent some good summer time in his little pool and running through the sprinklers!

Big Kisses from baby Miles to Ryder!

Ryder loves his Uncle Cole, here they are just chillin sharing some ice-cream.

Ryder reading with Great Grandma Cherrill.

We decided to take a big kids weekend.  We left Ryder at home with my parents and went to St. George with the Thurgoods to see Brian Regan.  It was a lot of fun but I definitely missed our baby!

One Sunday we took my fam to the cabin and went for a 4 wheeling ride up to the lake.  It was a lot of fun and Ryder loves the 4 wheelers and commander!

My baby brother got his mission call yesterday and is going to San Diego, CA!  The best part about it is that was my guess!  Woo woo!

Ryders first time really swimming in" Nana's pool" (the hot tub).  We couldn't keep him in long but he loves the water so had fun.

Hope you enjoyed the little family recap.  Hope everyone is doing well!  Love ya!