Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lake Powell

We had our yearly Lake Powell trip and took Ryder with us for his 3rd year now!  Crazy how time flies.  We did leave Jayden home with my parents though so we only went for a couple days.  2 days is still a blast!  Our friends Issac and Melinda came down with us and left their sweet baby Beckham too.  It was a lot of fun!  Sorry...lots of pics!

Ryder and Issac just chillin

Mommy surfing for the 1 time of year that I do ha ha.

Ryder cruising with Grandma and Grandpa

Christian showing off his white bod!  Blinding right?!  Cute though : )

His request for Lake Powell treats: Cheeze its and Twizzlers.  So this is him eating his twizzlers while he surfs.

Ryder loves pretending that he is the captain!  Here he is driving the boat, too bad it isn't on and we are tied up to the houseboat! ha ha

Nap time with my boy!  He turns 3 in November so any chance I get to snuggle with him I totally take advantage of it.  I love him so much and he was soooo good on this trip!

Our little fam... minus 1!

Ryder with Issac and Melinda being silly!  PEACE!  Really?!!! Look at that background!  I LOVE LAKE POWELL!

Ryder being silly in his Big Boy Briefs!


We only go boating 1-3 times a year MAX but somehow Christian gets up and skis like he does it all the time!

Great skier, so fun to watch!

Just going for a drive to the one spot we found with cell service so I could call and check up on my baby girl!  There were 3 other mommys on the boat doing the same thing!  Wow life changes so fast, one day we are down there with all our friends with no responsibility or care in the world and now we all have babies and can only do Lake Powell for a couple days.  Oh well, I LOVE my life!

Ryder and his Uncle Danos

Ryder and Grandpa on our hike up to Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge

Ha ha we all just laughed at how tall Christian looks in this!

We went on the most amazing ride.  We went up through this canyon and at some points it was just as wide as our wave runner so we could touch both walls at the same time!  So cool but I didn't take my camera! UGH!

Ryder & his Aunt Annie that he loves so much!

Much better round 2, I even let go of the rope for like 5 seconds ha ha!

Surfing as a massive rain storm starts to hit!

Cute little tan : )

Driving the houseboat with Grandpa.  It was raining too hard to drive outside on the top.

Life is good

Ryder likes to stretch with me, it is so cute and he is still so flexible.

Trying to get my boy warm after his swim

Good 'ole tube session! Faster and more crazy each year.

Wake boarding for my first time! wahoo!

Apparently people thought my water bottle storage place was a bit funny.  I had no pockets...what do you expect!

Danos, Randy & us... the rest of the group went to rainbow earlier in the week.

Catching some air.. woo woo!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun trip! I love lake powell, I'm glad you guys had a good time! Ryder is growing up way too much! Miss you guys!!!
